“John’s Resilience” hybridized by Dennis Kortman in 2017

This daylily is named for my father, John Kortman Jr.

It is a vigorous and hardy plant able to thrive even under difficult growing conditions. This parallels the strength and resilience of my father who, despite the pain and difficulties presented by severe rheumatoid arthritis, has continually maintained a thriving spirit and strong faith.

Some daylilies fade poorly, but the bloom of “John’s Resilience” will look good even at the end of a long day of scorching sun. In fact it may even look better– the edges of the petals and the midribs become white to form a beautifully contrasting outline around the glowing orange of the petals. This too parallels the resilience of my father who, despite ever-increasing physical limitations, manages to live a long, full life filled with a rich and active fellowship with family and friends.

I am proud to present the daylily “John’s Resilience” in honor of my father.